Webinar In today’s competitive market, businesses must embrace digital transformation to meet customer demands and expectations, but with this comes an increased threat of cyber-attacks and breaches. Digital transformation technologies are extremely vulnerable to cyber-attacks designed to breach valuable data. This data can contain confidential, intellectual, and private information, which cyber criminals aim to sell […]
Data security strategies for the discovery, monitoring, and protection of data and privacy AboutThe webinar discusses data security strategies and their relevance to discovering, monitoring, and protecting data and privacy. We will look at the data risk approach to DLP – the next generation of DLP strategies. Safeguarding business data assets in hybrid environments can […]
Reducing Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs); Creating cyber-resistant active data resilience strategies AboutThe webinar discusses strategies for reducing Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) to minutes in backup and recovery programs using cyber-resistant active data resilience strategies. Cyber-attacks today pose a significant threat to businesses, exposing them to operational risks that can affect their data, processes, and technology. […]

During the last 12 months, Critical Infrastructure (CI) or Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) around the world (and just recently, The Port of Nagoya, the largest and busiest port in Japan, and The Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs (AGLA), Trinidad and Tobago) have suffered critical cyber-attacks from cyber-criminals, causing operational services […]
Building Security Competence: ISO Certified Training AboutCyber Resilience is very important in today’s organisation’s business continuity program and achieving resilience in cyber can only be achieved through awareness, education and knowledge transfer in any digital transformation initiative plans or life cycle. The series presents critical information exchange on security domains in building cyber resilience capacity […]

Barbados Today link – https://epaper.barbadostoday.bb/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=f9030ed6-8d55-45de-9814-c1c1e5c39d11&pnum=19
Writing Effective and Efficient RPFs Cybercrime (a World Economic Forum (WEF) top 10 global risk to businesses), continues to generate considerable damages and disruptions to businesses of all sectors, creating substantial business risks (financial, legal, compliance, reputational, etc.,) affecting businesses for months and sometimes, even for years. We must understand in 2023, cyber-attacks by the […]
CariSec Global Inc. Cybersecurity Event 2023 Virtual Conference – Reducing Cyber-Risks Through Cyber Resilience
Barbados Today, the Nation’s Leader in Online News, interviewed the Managing Director of CariSec Global Inc., Edward Millington, in regards to Cybersecurity and Cyber-Attacks to businesses, and the Cybersecurity Event 2023 conference to be held on March 07-08, 2023.

It’s all about Cyber Resilience Capacity Building! The Chartered Institute of Information Security Pulse Nov. 2022 Issue (theme: How the threat landscape continues to be under attack by ransomware) draws considerable awareness to Third-Party Risks and Third-Party Risk Management, and the continuing cyber-plague… ransomware. CariSec Global Managing Director & Principal Security Consultant, Edward Millington, presented an article on “The Threat […]