CariSec Global Inc. Managing Director – Edward Millington highlighted his pleasure being on the Human Resource Management Association of Barbados Human Tech Expo Conference 2024 esteem panel, where they fellowshipped on emerging technologies such as AI, cloud computing, data analytics, and automation, as well as the risks surrounding using such technologies, especially data assurance and […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month draws upon the awareness needed for boards, governance committees, and business owners to develop and enhance business resilience through digital operational resilience—adopting new strategies to reduce security risks while building and enhancing digital trust. As emerging technologies enhance and provide the efficiencies needed to be competitive and innovative globally, timed service deliveries and […]

Digital transformation has enabled businesses to compete globally, fostering innovation and growth and creating operational diversities – providing competitive business edges in highly competitive markets. With emerging technologies like AI, the ever-expanding technological edge has further enhanced efficiency, simplification, and creativity in product and service development, and operations, thus paving the way for further progress […]
Building Security Competence: ISO Certified Training AboutCyber Resilience is very important in today’s organisation’s business continuity program and achieving resilience in cyber can only be achieved through awareness, education and knowledge transfer in any digital transformation initiative plans or life cycle. The series presents critical information exchange on security domains in building cyber resilience capacity […]