Digital transformation has grown tremendously for governments, the private sector, and customers in general. It has made the accessibility of public services, e-commerce, investments, education, etc., easy, including the use of innovative technological services like digital wallets—all demonstrated in 2024. Let us not forget the use of ChapGPT and many other AI-driven technologies, products, and […]
The CariSec Global Anti-Money Laundering & Cybercrime Regional Hybrid Conference, in collaboration with the Barbados Coalition of Service Industries (BCSI) and the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management (SCHSBM), held at the SCHBSM Conference Centre on Nov 10, 2023, was very successful, achieving the company’s public/private partnership security goal in effectively raising awareness […]

During the last 12 months, Critical Infrastructure (CI) or Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) around the world (and just recently, The Port of Nagoya, the largest and busiest port in Japan, and The Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs (AGLA), Trinidad and Tobago) have suffered critical cyber-attacks from cyber-criminals, causing operational services […]
Building Security Competence: ISO Certified Training AboutCyber Resilience is very important in today’s organisation’s business continuity program and achieving resilience in cyber can only be achieved through awareness, education and knowledge transfer in any digital transformation initiative plans or life cycle. The series presents critical information exchange on security domains in building cyber resilience capacity […]

Barbados Today link – https://epaper.barbadostoday.bb/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=f9030ed6-8d55-45de-9814-c1c1e5c39d11&pnum=19
In the second instalment of the ICT Pulse Expert insights series on cyber threats and security for 2023, and with a new guest, Edward Millington – Managing Director of CariSec Global, he discusses, among other things: what’s been happening in the cybersecurity space and the changes that have occurred in the threat landscape; how countries can better […]
Writing Effective and Efficient RPFs Cybercrime (a World Economic Forum (WEF) top 10 global risk to businesses), continues to generate considerable damages and disruptions to businesses of all sectors, creating substantial business risks (financial, legal, compliance, reputational, etc.,) affecting businesses for months and sometimes, even for years. We must understand in 2023, cyber-attacks by the […]
CariSec Global Inc. Cybersecurity Event 2023 Virtual Conference – Reducing Cyber-Risks Through Cyber Resilience
Barbados Today, the Nation’s Leader in Online News, interviewed the Managing Director of CariSec Global Inc., Edward Millington, in regards to Cybersecurity and Cyber-Attacks to businesses, and the Cybersecurity Event 2023 conference to be held on March 07-08, 2023.

Cyber-attacks against organisations continue to be prevalent over the last few years and while there is no shortage of such awareness as reported daily by the global media, cybercrime and its associated multidimensional effects are costing organisations millions of dollars per year in Incident Management activities and cyber-resilience capacity building. Cybercrime is a Global Security […]